Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Lazy Days in Paradise

Well, I don't have a job just yet. I would much rather work every day than do nothing every day like I am currently doing. Sure, it is nice to take a break but I would much rather get back in the saddle and start doing actual game design work.

I recently purchased Noitu Love 2 after playing the demo to death, and frankly I am amazed at how tight the controls and gameplay are compared to the first Noitu Love. It has somewhat inspired me to create a run & gun shooter utilizing Multimedia Fusion 2, but the biiig problem in that is I have little to no idea where to begin in such an arduous (don't think I spelled that correctly...) task.

Anyhoo, since I haven't posted a link to my website on this blog quite yet I might as well do so now:


Oh, and I guess I'll be using this blog a lot more from now on.

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