Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's Here! The Prize!

Oh yes! My Sega Ages Volume 25: Gunstar Treasure Box (long title, yo) arrived in the mail today! A weird thing I noticed when I opened the packaging and took my first glance at the innards of this wondrous thing, it smells like I imagine Japan smells. Weird. Also, I feel accomplished that I own such a magnificent collection of software, although I do not have the means to actually play it. It would certainly only be a financial pain to acquire the means to do so, but that is not too likely to occur anytime soon. Well, maybe. Not to mention I have no idea how a Magicswap thing works.

In other events occurring today (or yesterday, whatever), I journeyed to Metrotown to meet and greet with some former classmates from the Art Institute of Vancouver to discuss a future game project we would work together on. At this current point in time I am attempting to learn how to utilize Multimedia Fusion 2 for game creation purposes. To that end I am having little luck finding any tutorials and am starting to believe I may need to begin doing things with trial and error.

My colleges have expressed their intent to create a sort of side-scrolling beat-'em-up (NOT a fighting game, for the British people who may read this, a game like Final Fight) using Flash (probably CS3). The aesthetic theme we may go with was an interesting choice with plenty of wiggle room to work with: drawings on lined paper. That is a terrific place to start with the art direction in my eyes, there could be a ton of stuff that could be crudely drawn yet still fit with the theme. But since I will probably be meeting with those guys in the coming weeks we will probably hammer out the gameplay aspects of the idea first before proceeding into the art phase.

So that about does it for me today, I am going to get some rest and dream if I can remember it.

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