Monday, August 3, 2009

Happiness is a State of Mind

Well, I don't particularly need to write in this blog anymore, I DO kind of have a real jerb now, but it will be alright writing practice if I just keep typing out my thoughts as they come to me. Anyway, right now is August 3rd, and I've been working for VMC Game Labs for the past 3-4 weeks, along with my weekend dishwashing job.

Today, being the statutory holiday B.C. Day, is my first day off since starting the VMC thing. Feels good man.

For the longest time I felt compelled to spill my guts concerning my matters of heart and other such nonsense on this very blog. But that'd probably be a bad idea if any of my friends ever actually bothered to read this thing. They don't, so that's alright. But the guts spilling thing goes on within a medium that I plan to stay hidden from everyone's eyes but mine.

I don't really know why I'm typing all this down, but it feels like something to do while I wait for Tuesday. None of my friends are around today, so I'm pretty bored right now. Keep making mild headway in Contra: Shattered Soldier, stuff keeps creeping up on me and killing me though. Whatever.

Maybe I'll go write in that journal about even less important things.