Monday, August 3, 2009

Happiness is a State of Mind

Well, I don't particularly need to write in this blog anymore, I DO kind of have a real jerb now, but it will be alright writing practice if I just keep typing out my thoughts as they come to me. Anyway, right now is August 3rd, and I've been working for VMC Game Labs for the past 3-4 weeks, along with my weekend dishwashing job.

Today, being the statutory holiday B.C. Day, is my first day off since starting the VMC thing. Feels good man.

For the longest time I felt compelled to spill my guts concerning my matters of heart and other such nonsense on this very blog. But that'd probably be a bad idea if any of my friends ever actually bothered to read this thing. They don't, so that's alright. But the guts spilling thing goes on within a medium that I plan to stay hidden from everyone's eyes but mine.

I don't really know why I'm typing all this down, but it feels like something to do while I wait for Tuesday. None of my friends are around today, so I'm pretty bored right now. Keep making mild headway in Contra: Shattered Soldier, stuff keeps creeping up on me and killing me though. Whatever.

Maybe I'll go write in that journal about even less important things.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Working Hard AND Hardly Working!

Well, recently instead of really trying to play Street Fighter IV (I've SORT OF given up until I can get my hands on a better controller/better tactics) I've started going to one of the municipal swimming pools every so often both as exercise and to relax (mostly to exercise).

I figure with how my life is right now, it'd probably be smart for me to at least try and get into shape than... not.

Right now I'm fairly certain I won't be able to move out before I turn 21, so I've decided to replace that one goal with one less ambitious, and just plan to purchase a slick new computer by then instead. (Maybe if I get a steady weekday job I'll move out...).

One particular thing I've taken out of playing the horrendous amount of fighting games I have recently become addicted to, is that I am starting to get a "feel" of how they are designed. It makes me want to try my hand at doing that kind of stuff myself. However, I take a look at some of the independent fighting game titles out there and sulk a little at how absurdly out of my skill range that idea is right now.

But it can't be helped.

One of the more mundane things that have been floating around in the old noggin are pre-battle banter:

"Prepare to meet your end by my glorious fists!"
"I ain't afraid of no boast!"

Cue fight.

There are way too many references within my writing. Need to cut down on that.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Street Fighter IV is Still Pretty Awesome

Oh hey, returning from a good 2-4 months of blog and website silence. I actually have been playing Street Fighter IV for a great deal of time between my last post and this one, which is to say things have not really changed in the slightest from the last post.

Well, except that I have a job now as a dishwasher on weekends.

But that's about it.

...unless you count the Game Developer's Conference: Canada. That was last week on Tuesday & Wednesday, and MANY (like, almost all) of the volunteers for the event were former (or current) Art Institute of Vancouver alumni. Although, lets face it. GDC Canada really WAS NOT a venue for bombshells to be dropped, this was painfully obvious when during the Don Mattrick keynote he and Victor Lucas repeatedly mentioned they'd save their good stuff for E3 next month.


Monday, February 23, 2009

Street Fighter IV is Delicious

There's a lot to be said about a genre of game that actually causes you to become enamored with that particular genre of game. But simply put, Street Fighter IV has done what no other game previous could (excluding Smash Bros. because that series is technically not a fighting game series), made me really enjoy, and because of that, really understand how to play the game "properly".

No longer am I stuck with simple (and mostly ineffective) tactic of jump-attacking! Now I am able to perform special moves, Ultra Combos and Super Combos like nobody's business! It feels fantastic to be able to "admirably" perform against the CPU players, but therein lies my major problem right now with SF4.

I really only have one person to play with.

Since I do not have access to XBox Live Gold it is impossible for me to battle the other denizens of the world to prove my strength, gain new skills, and learn how to become a better player at the game. I say this knowing fully well that once March 15 rolls around I am going to purchase one of the Madcatz 360 Tournament Edition sticks from EBGames for about $220. It will be money well spent.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Who's That Guy?

WELL, FOR ONCE I ACTUALLY UPDATE (sort of) WITHIN THE SAME WEEK! Ahahahaha-hum. Anyhow, today's update features a drawn version of my good pal from post-secondary school, Adam McDonald.

"Obviously" Adam was never part of the original Azworld canon, but he certainly deserves to be a part of this odd world I've carved with these poorly drawn characters. Exactly what part he plays is a matter I have not yet decided. He's certainly a cool dude, if anything else.

Yup. Azure and him hang out sometimes. That's really all I got at the moment.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm Totally Bad at Drawing Girls

As I am (famously) terrible at drawing female characters, at most creating a female character for me is, 1. Add tits, 2. Add eyelashes, 3. Add hips. Naturally, my ability to do so varies in quality (usually bad to okay).

SO HERE'S EMMA LEE, a character based off of the only gal I usually interact with more than once a month. In the original (awful) character "summary" I wrote up for most of the high-school character parallels I thought up, Emma Lee was a secret agent who strived to find and capture/destroy the elusive Forest Gorilla in Brook Mountain, northeast of Coquitlam Springs.

NOW, she's more or less a projection of May Lee from King of Fighters 2001 in this dumb little world. By which I mean she has a Kamen Rider belt, which she may or may not be able to transform to a masked superhero.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Aftermath of Alphonse no Daibouken

Well, I kind of went on my big "day of being outside" adventure YESTERDAY, but I was kind of too tired to post anything about it last night because I am sort of terrible. Anyhow.

I resolved to yesterday, on January 29th, 2009 to dick around the Lower Mainland area as long as I could. And so I did. Long story short I picked up 3 games that day: Greetest Hits (not a typo) Beyond Good & Evil, War of the Monsters, and Twinbee Deluxe Collection for Japanese Sega Saturn (not ENTIRELY sure why I picked this up, probably because it was only $10).

While wandering around Lonsdale Quay after taking the seabus (a feat I had not done in almost ten years), I found a non-molested copy of a great PS2 game I played back in high school, War of the Monsters. Needless to say, War of the Monsters is a very entertaining monster fighting game which I could easily equate to the King of Monsters games done in 3D, and infinitely more balanced and entertaining. The one thing I imagine that holds it back is that it is only a 2 Player game. Had there been a sequel with a 4-player mode, the series would have definitely become an instant classic.

Beyond Good & Evil is one of those games that I wish I had purchased when it was new (happens a lot actually). Without being able to play it, from what I remember it was a very well-recieved adventure/action game. The weird plastic covering on it somehow melted onto the spine and, in my eyes, ruined the case. That ain't cool, bro. However this also further drives my resolve to purchase a whole whack of Playstation 2 game cases to replace the molested-by-stickers used games I already have.

Lastly, Twinbee Deluxe Collection is a weird little Sega Saturn Jap game I found at GameDeals yesterday when I popped in there to look around and probably not buy anything. At $9.95 the game called out to me, "TAKE ME HOME!" and so I obliged. I can't play it, I don't even have a working Saturn, but it does sort of feel cool to have a Sega Saturn game in my collection, specifically one of a series I always imagine I enjoyed but never played that much.